Useful Information for Parents and Carers
On this page you will find useful information for parents and carers, including our prospectus. Hard copies of these documents are also available from the parent information board in the main reception area or from the office staff.
We use Scopay for our online payments, you may already have an account, if so great news, they also have a mobile app. Using Scopay allows you to top up your child’s account anywhere, anytime using a credit or debit card. All parents have access to Scopay, if you have not yet registered to make online payments, please let the office know and an access code will be issued to you. To find out more, visit
Start & Finish Times:
Gates open 8.35 am, Start 8.45 am, Finish 3.15 pm.
In September 2023 we changed our times to 8.45 am to 3.15 pm for ALL year groups. This will give us 32.5 hours per week of compulsory schooling.
A one-way system is in place with everyone entering via the first blue gate (by the Early Years’ garden) and exiting via the large blue gates (by Crystal Club).
For everyone’s safety, the access road will remain closed and only cars using the Oakwood Sports Hall will be able to drive up / down at drop off and pick up times.
Prospective Parent Tour Dates (Friday Morning – 9.30am to 10.30am)
Dates will be added to the website mid-September for September 2026 admissions. The tours take place end September to early January.
Prospective parent tours commence at 9.30am and last approximately one hour. We recommend, where possible, you attend without your child in order to absorb information given during the tour. Please note pushchairs cannot be taken around the school.
Please email and confirm which tour you would like to be booked onto and include your name, your child’s name and their date of birth and a contact number or contact the School Office on 01293 776341.
Please note there is limited parking on site and we recommend walking to the school where possible.
Kind regards.
Langshott Primary School Office
Link to the Government's School Performance Website:
Link to the Government's Schools Financial Benchmarking Service: