Sports Updates
Please find latest updates below.
PE Days for the Spring Term 2025
ALL children should come to school wearing their PE kit on PE days.
Reception - Monday
Year 1 - Tuesday and Wednesday
Year 2 - Tuesday and Wednesday
Year 3 - Wednesday and Thursday
Year 4 - Thursday and Friday
Year 5 - Wednesday and Thursday
Year 6 - Tuesday and Thursday
Please ensure your child has the correct PE kit and footwear.
Earrings and watches must be removed for PE. Your child must be able to remove their own earrings or supply and put tape on them. Staff are not allowed to do this for them. We prefer that your child does not wear jewellery on PE days.
PE KIT can be worn on days when sports clubs run after school.
Trainers can be worn on a Friday for the Langshott lap, but please bring shoes in a carrier bag to change into after the lap.
PE Days for the Summer Term 2025
ALL children should come to school wearing their PE kit on PE days.
Reception - Monday
Year 1 - Tuesday and Thursday
Year 2 - Monday and Thursday
Year 3 - Tuesday and Thursday
Year 4 - Tuesday and Wednesday
Year 5 - Wednesday and Friday
Year 6 - Wednesday and Friday
Please ensure your child has the correct PE kit and footwear.
Earrings and watches must be removed for PE. Your child must be able to remove their own earrings or supply and put tape on them. Staff are not allowed to do this for them. We prefer that your child does not wear jewellery on PE days.
PE kit can be worn on days when sports clubs run after school.
Trainers can be worn on a Friday for the Langshott lap, but please bring shoes in a carrier bag to change into after the lap.